Exploring the Richness of Experience: The Gathering Collection
The Gathering Collection started as a glimmer of an idea to book a last-minute overnight trip, planned for the sake of getting outdoors and out of the house for a night. On our way, we stopped for a hike at a stunning waterfall, soaked in the mid-September palette of green-golds and hints of orange, and watched as the kids found their favorite sticks and perched on rocks and stumps that made the best chairs.
Golden Pond, 24”x 18” | click to view details
We spent the night tucked away in a cabin at the edge of a small town only 40 minutes from our home. No outing with young kids was perfectly idyllic, but we sat around the campfire in the evening to talk, read, and play after a lively outdoor dinner. I happened to wake up the next morning as the sun was starting to rise over the edge of the pond next to our cabin – slowly at first through the trees, and eventually lighting the day above. I sat and observed the colors change in the clear sky as the sun rose, changing from golden yellow to soft yellow-green to powder blue and eventually periwinkle. And rather than describe the view of sunrise over the pond, I’ll show you what I saw, below. 😆
Green to Gold, 40” x 30” | click to view details
The trees in “Candescent” were just off to the side of that pond view, and I was struck by the warm sunlight that illuminated the treetops, contrasting with the pure blue sky behind, slowly fading to shadowy trunks near the ground.
Candescent, 24” x 36” | click to view details
As I settled into the regular autumn routine back home, I took these compositions back to my studio and set to work. As I painted – sometimes in our tree-framed backyard bathed in changing colors – I thought back to the joyful activities and scenes of our weekend away. And those thoughts sparked other memories that have slowly gathered over the years – those intangible, steadfast gifts that stay with us for a lifetime, even as life and circumstances change.
Outstretch, 24” x 18” | click to view details
As we near the holiday season and head into the uncertainty of a new year, I’m thinking less about what I can resolve to do differently, and more about how to strengthen the goodness that’s already there. I’d like to gather even more of those rich, joyful experiences through deepening relationships with those near and dear to me, taking more time to enjoy nature, prioritizing quality conversations over coffees and backyard meals, and maybe striving for a little more adventure. And as I go, I’d like to get more comfortable embracing imperfection – in the spirit of the generations of hardworking, resilient people who continued working, living, and creating through their own uncertain times before ours.
Misty, 12” x 12” | click to view details
The Gathering Collection is centered around intangible, permanent gifts like these that we gather over a well-lived lifetime. The ones that continue to serve as a guiding light – even when darkness is all around – offering a steadying hand on paths through unknown territory. The ones that inspire us to keep moving, keep creating, and keep helping where we’re needed.
Magic Hour, 12” x 12” | click to view details
I’m grateful that you’re here to take in the creative expression of some of my warmest recent memories. I hope this has sparked a few thoughts of your own joyful time with loved ones, and kicked off your own gathering process of those intangible gifts you call your own.
This collection of 7 one-of-a-kind pieces is available now. You can view and collect your favorite(s) here!