Soothing Summer Scenes: The Open Air Collection
Since taking a trip to my home state of Minnesota over the summer, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to best describe the “Open Air” feeling that I experienced there. More than just a passing thought, this feeling comes about when you’re truly “powered down” from the usual, day-to-day routine – allowing a bit of space between yourself and your day-to-day obligations.
Good Fortune, 36" x 24"
For me, these deep-breath, peaceful moments that encompass the “Open Air” feeling came when I woke up before the rest of my family, brewed fresh coffee, and simply sat on the back deck to take in the stunning view of sweeping farm fields and lush forest ridge lines. Or when I perched on a sun-warmed rock to watch my kids play at the edge of Lake Superior as its waves sparkled in the sunlight. Or when I took time for quality, open-ended conversations with my spouse, my family, and my good friends over a walk, coffee or meal.
Painting Beautiful Day, 24" x 30"
One of the reasons I love painting landscapes reflected over water is that it captures the magical way that water, acting as a mirror, amplifies the beauty and light around it. It works to expand on what’s really there – just as giving yourself the quiet, calm space to just be helps to amplify the good that exists within you. To me, these water reflections symbolize the ability to unapologetically take up space, to claim time for quiet and rest, and to see who you are and what surrounds you – captured for a moment in time – reflected back at you.
Detail of Almost Home, 24" x 18"
Just as you might place a mirror across from a sunny window to brighten up a dark room (one of my favorite interior design tricks!), a calm body of water amplifies the light that’s already there – giving each gentle ripple and wave a chance to double as its own ray of sunshine. The overall effect, for me, makes the space feel even larger and more majestic. In a beautiful lakeside setting, time itself even seems to expand – offering room for pausing, reflecting, and re-setting. It’s in these moments that I’ve personally felt the strongest senses of calm and re-balancing. All the not-actually-important clutter moves aside, and I allow myself to focus on the things that really matter. And in taking that time away, I usually return home with some new ideas and fresh inspiration!
Always, 24" x 12"
I’ve found that life’s joy and satisfaction doesn’t come from the next fun distraction, but from savoring the real-life, slowed-down moments. It’s all too easy to allow our true selves to be squeezed smaller by overflowing schedules, demanding work, and distractions of all shapes and sizes. I’m hoping that if you haven’t given yourself a chance to take up some space and spend time in a quiet, distraction-free place (preferably surrounded by nature!), that you take this as a sign to plan it in! And when it’s not an option to take that vacation, a piece of art from The Open Air Collection can deliver a mini-dose of that feeling each time you view it. ☀️
The Open Air Collection is available now! All 6 one-of-a-kind works were carefully crafted to reflect the joy in savoring that “Open Air” moment. View and collect your favorite(s) here. Be sure to sign up for Jenna’s Collector’s List here to make sure you don’t miss out on any future collection releases, print releases, discounts or freebies!