The All is Calm Collection: a Warm Introduction
I didn’t plan to paint a winter-specific landscape collection this year. I wasn’t all that excited about winter to begin with, as we’d just done some work on improving our backyard in the fall – just in time to put away all of the cozy furniture and fire pit until spring. But I tend to soak up what I’m seeing around me like a thirsty sponge, and once I’ve seen something worthy of painting, I can’t un-see it! 🙈
One of my favorite aspects of winter is the season’s ability to play with color in a way that no other seasons can. Here in central New York where the winter days are short, the sun’s position is low in the sky and casts a warm, yellow-toned light on the landscape around it. It leaves a beautiful contrast between the yellow/coral/orange glow cast on objects in the sun’s path, and the bluish-purple shadows around them. On particularly frosty days, there are plenty of soft pastel colors to see, adding a sweet softness to a landscape that can feel anything but sweet.
Detail view of Sanctuary, 30” x 40”
Instead of telling you the meaning behind the collection, I’m posing a question! In the bleakness of winter, when all the brightness, warmth and ease of summer is stripped away, what’s still there for you to create warmth, calm and joy? For many of us, winter represents the harshness of life – the dark, cold, unforgiving landscape that requires us to bundle ourselves (and our families) up before going out, to scrape off icy cars and shovel sidewalks (lift with your legs, not your back!), troubleshoot burst water pipes and other inconveniences… the list goes on! For me, it feels like a “closing in” as we plan to spend more of our time inside rather than out.
In the midst of that harshness, there remains something (or some things) that get us through. For some, it’s the steady click of knitting needles, or the simple ritual of taking time to read for pleasure every day. For others it’s making music with a group, or working toward a new goal with a sweaty physical activity. While the love and companionship of family, friends and pets certainly helps, I’m talking more about these activities we turn to – even look forward to – that help calm us, and ease our minds when life starts to feel a little harsh. I hope something comes to mind as your joy-boosting activity – something you do just for yourself!
Taughannock Trees, 24” x 36”
This collection represents those pleasurable moments – when the sun cuts through the frigid landscape and makes everything else a bit brighter, lighter, and more bearable. For me, the act of painting has been a long-time friend through good times and not-so-good, and one of the most useful tools in my toolbox that I know I can turn to in any season of life. I’d love to hear what activities come to mind for you – drop them in the blog post comments!
I invite you to come in from the cold and warm up by checking out all of these new pieces! Click here to view the All is Calm Collection on my website. And be sure to sign up for monthly email updates so you can stay up to date on shows and events where you may be able to see them in person!